Uusi maa / Ylioppilaslehti

Illustration for article Uusi Maa. Uusimaa was isolated from the rest of Finland for a while due to Covid-19. What if Uusimaa had become an autonomous zone? I illustrated interesting facts and statistics about Uusimaa. Did you know that there are more electric cars in Uusimaa than anywhere else in Finland? Or did you know that libraries are used the most in Uusimaa? Fish dishes are important part of Uusimaa’s food culture and proximity to the sea has always been beneficial to Uusimaa. Life in autonomous Uusimaa might look like this.


Client: Ylioppilaslehti
Photography & Set Design: Malin Gustafsson


A Coverstory About Climate Crisis / Demi


Yeboyah & Pinsku / Demi